
Friday, June 10, 2011

Fresh lemons

Last year, my husband worked out of town..a lot, meaning all year. Each week he left Sunday night and came home on Friday night. It was a hard year. I felt like a single mom. We missed him. He and I  had trouble communicating. Last year, my husband couldn't operate a computer or send a text. But we made it, we paid lots of bills and tried to make great use our time together and spend/save wisely. 

This year, work is husband has been off work for a week at a time, here and there, since 2011 started and all this week. It's a stretch, financially, and sometimes I worry. But he's home with us, which we love, and we're enjoying and thankful for every minute. This year, we're closer, stronger and are more united as a couple. This year, my husband texts me all the time. We know God will provide and know we are blessed. 

Last month, we had 4 baby birds in a tree in front of our deck. They died when the snow storm hit. It was disappointing, we buried the nest  and it was sad. 

This month, we have a lovely new nest in it's place with 4 brand new blue eggs ready to hatch. We have placed birdseed and water out for the momma and are anxious for their birth.

Last week, my kids were in school and it was cold, gray and wet and we wore sweaters and built fires in the wood stove. The winter felt like it would never end and my propane bill was killing me.  

This week, it's sunny, beautiful and green and school is out for summer. We are watching flowers bloom, we are wearing flip-flops and planning to have a water day with cousins and BBQ with family tomorrow while celebrating my daughter's 8th birthday. 

Earlier this week, my oldest son was sick. The house smelled like barf, we had to throw out our area rug, he felt like crud and we were all stuck at home. I was "sick" of kids being sick. But, he got better.

Right now, I am enjoying a fresh breeze coming in my open doors on this lovely Friday evening while drinking ice water with fresh lemons squeezed in.. (Thank you Kater ) after a great evening out with my family and a tasty dinner of take out Chinese. I am full and rested. 

Life is full of change, always. I can tend to get caught up in the present circumstances but I want to remember God's promises to sustain us in all of it and I pray my eyes will always be open to see:

- the blessings in the trials
- for the provision in the time of need and 
- for the flavor and new life of each day
Thank you Lord, Perspective is everything. 

What is new or different for you today or this year that you can be thankful for?

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